Who are you?
I’m Raider, I’m an artist. But I would like to see myself as a creator because I do more than just creating art.
What do you create?
I create figures that almost feel alive. And they have a background story ; a story that people will get to know once the figure is out there longer on our planet. It's not from earth, it's from outer space, from a different planet that we don't know yet. It's something new, something we haven't seen before. It’s something infinite, with no square or anything. It's a never ending form that goes on and on. And maybe it can grow. Maybe it's soft. Maybe it's bubbly. But we don't know that.
Why Scoop?
I think I just love it. Love the word “Scoop” since it reminds me of ice cream, which is something I really like. But it's also a word with a lot of different meanings, and I think that's quite nice.
When did you create your first Scoop?
It was back in 2019. I started sketching the figure based on my own imagination. And then I created it with a 3D software. I think it's pretty awesome the things that you can create with those new tools.
Do you think they will invade us?
They are friendly. They are here for a reason. Maybe their planet is destroyed like ours. We are working on it right now with environmental issues and everything. So maybe it's here as an escape and to find shelter or maybe it’s from another reason.
What are you trying to do with colors?
I'm trying to send a message or to let people talk with Scoop. We all have a different interpretation of colors. But I think colors are a powerful tool or thing to add some fun and joy to this boring black and white world.
Is there a color you would never work with?
I'm not a big fan of green. The green we know like the green grass, the very in-your-face green. I mean, that's not really my thing for some reason and I don't really know why. But I think that would be a reason why I wouldn't put it on one of the Scoops.
It's funny because it's the traditional color of the environment!
Scoop is environmentally friendly. It doesn't eat meat. It likes animals. Animals are creatures just like it. Maybe Scoop is here also to give us a message to tell us that we should care a little bit more about animals.
What other messages does Scoop have?
Within our world, there are a lot of discussions about the differences between boys and girls. But Scoop isn't one of those two categories. It's something in between.
What about their eyes?
The eyes are something that really stand out in the Scoop design but also in the neons. The eyes have a certain emotion behind them, but the emotion can be various things. It can be anger because it's frustrated, it doesn't know how something works on our planet. But it can also be anxiety, fear or happiness.
Can you tell us about the process of creating a Scoop from start to finish?
I started sketching the figure. And then I created something in a 3D environment. Then I work with new techniques like 3D printing to get it really as a physical object. And then I started moulding it. So, I made a mould and I filled it up. And then the new Scoop came out. And then with the right amount of love and everything, it comes alive.
What about the process of creating that collection of neons signs?
As you might have seen already, there are a lot of similarities between the figure and the neon signs. Basically, this is an outline of a Scoop. It's something you haven't seen before. And that's what I wanted to bring into the neons signs. And I think that worked out pretty well.
Would you recommend having a neon sign at home?
It’s not disturbing, especially when it's on the lowest brightness level. And with this cool technology, all is possible.
Tell us more about the big Scoop’s neon?
With that iconic Scoop silhouette and its hands at its side, it doesn't know what to do on our planet. It just arrived, a little awkward with its hands at its sides... And I think the neon expresses that feeling perfectly.
Tell us more about the one with the balloons?
This one is a more complex, a more fun version of the baby Scoop. It's doing something instead of just standing there. You can see it as a more evolved version. It's been on the planet longer and it's found a way to get around. And especially when it's hanging like this, it's almost like it's really flying.
What's the next Scoop?
I think for now the future of Scoop will be pretty physical, but I'm also working on more digital things like NFT. That's something that's really booming right now and of course I can’t be behind. So, I'm also working on that and I think that's going to be pretty awesome. But also, I'm going to tell more about the evolution of Scoop because of course you saw the smaller figure and the bigger figure but what's in between, you don't go from baby to adult. There's something in between.